
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 20:25:16

Narrator: Never once accounting firm Athur Anderson was convicted of obstructing justice. With reputation for honesty destroyed, American oldest accounting firm fell along with Enron. 29000 people lost their jobs. Enron shareholders are suing Enron and its banks for 20 billion dollars. Ken Lay was also * for conspiracy to committe fraud. His attorney maintains that no one has been hurt more by the Enron bankruptcy than Ken Lay.

Andrew Weissmann: We today arrested Ken Lay. The top * in Enron has been caught to account for their crimes.

Girl: Looking at the Enron is like looking at the flipside of so much possibility. Because like most things end terribly, it didn't start out that way.It start with a lot of people who thought they were changing the world, and over time they became victims of their own hubris, victims of their greed, and that is like taking so much promise and possibility and loo