
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 17:05:10
大概英文500字就OK了 小弟先谢谢各位.

这位英文老师实在变态 我也是被逼无奈 ..

The Korean War was a full sense of reality of the war: six decades, North Korea and the U.S. "war" never ended, and more involvement of the political forces. Board of modern politics seems to sixty years ago, had lineup.
The Korean War was a special war: it is full of the characteristics of modern warfare, is an international political life and death struggle, but also made clear a strong human spirit.
Korean War was a war filled with Miju: the United States, as the number one military power with the most advanced economic power, almost no one doubts the country and the army will win the war; in China, was born in 1950 just country in ruins, 100 waste, material shortages, equipment and backward, with few heavy weapons, but the Chinese played the dignity and peace.

one korea come,one korea go,two korea peng peng ,people die