
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 01:52:44
摘要: 强化企业的内部控制已经成为公司治理的重要手段。本文从内部控制的概念入手,对内部控制作了多层面的分解,并结合实例指出我国电力企业加强内部控制的必要性和重点,详细分析了企业在内部控制方面存在的主要问题,以期抛砖引玉。近年来,电力企业陆续披露出不少经济上违法违纪的问题,给企业的经济和声誉都带来了一定的负面影响。虽然这些违法犯罪活动原因是多方面的,但其中重要的原因就是企业的内控制度不完整,管理失控。单纯依靠这些制度进行考核,往往是只能治标而不能治本,要做到标本兼治,必须在防范上下功夫,尤其要加强企业内部控制建设。只有这样,才能从根本上提高企业竞争力。
关键词:电力企业 内部控制 内部控制制度 内部审计制度

Abstract: strengthening the enterprise's internal controls has become an important means of corporate governance. In this paper, the concept of internal control to start on the internal control was multi-dimensional decomposition, combined with examples that China's power enterprises to strengthen internal controls and focus the need for a detailed analysis of enterprises in the internal control are the main problems with a view to attract valuable comments. In recent years, power companies disclosed one after another out of a number of economic law on the issue of discipline to the enterprise's economy and reputation have brought some negative impact. Although these illegal and criminal activities are many reasons, but one important reason is the corporate internal control system is not complete, the management out of control. Rely solely on the evaluation of these systems is often only palliative, in order to solve the problem of, you must work hard to prevent, in part