
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 00:37:18
惩罚是家庭教养中常用的方法。虽然父母都力图避免使用,但几乎所有父母都不得不用。惩罚一般分为两种 形式:强制和爱的收回。 强制,是父母对儿童身体上的惩罚、拒绝、威胁等。强制会阻碍儿童道德内化、降低儿童良知的发展,这是因为强制引发敌意,爱的收回,也是一种心理惩罚。这种方式会使儿童感受到一种对自身安全的威胁和焦虑。

温暖就是父母给予儿童温情与慈爱,包括充分地接受儿童,积极对儿童作出反应,对儿童表达关怀和爱, 给予儿童充分的支持等。温暖被公认为是家庭教养方式中极为重要的,在儿童社会化中起极为重要的作用。可 以想象,父母充满温暖和爱的命令更易于儿童服从。温暖的教育方式有利于儿童的认知能力、成就感及良好的 社会适应能力的培养。处于温暖氛围中的儿童易于对处于困境中的人表示同情和提供帮助,表现出更多的利他 行为。

Punishment is a commonly used method of family education. Although the parents were trying to avoid the use of it, almost all parents had to do.
Penalties are generally divided into two forms: mandatory and love to recover. Mandatory, parents do something to children of physical punishment, rejection, threats. Force will hinder children's moral internalization, reducing the development of children's conscience, it is because the mandatory trigger hostility, love to recover, but also a psychological punishment.In this way children will feel a kind of security threats and anxiety

Warmth is that the parents give children a warm tenderness and love, including the full acceptance of children, and actively respond to children, for children to express caring and love, to give children adequate support.
Warmth is recognized as a means of family education is extremely important, in the socialization of children play a very important role. Can imagine, pare