
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 03:54:38
长度适中、单词最好控制在初二。因为我是要表演的。。TT TT

To be kind-hearted
One evening, it was raining and the wind was blowing hard. An old couple came to an inn and prepared to put up for the night (投宿)there. A young man received them with open arms(热情地), but said “I’m sorry! Our guest rooms here are all full and the inns nearby are all full, too, for there will be an important meeting to be held here tomorrow.”
Hearing the young man’s words, the old couple felt very disappointed, and turned around to leave.
Just as they were leaving, the young man came up to them and stopped them: “Madam and sir, if you don’t mind, you can sleep in my bedroom for a night…….”
The next evening, the old couple took out lots of money to give it to the young man, but he refused to take it.
“No!You needn’t pay me any money, for I only lend my room to you.” said the young man with a smile on his face.
“You’re great, young man! It’s very kind of you. Maybe one day, I’ll build a hotel for you!” said the old man gratefully.