
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:43:27
大家请帮帮忙!!!急要!!!!翻译网站的翻译的都很差,要不然就是不能翻译..我的要求是在每句话下面把中文写出来- -!不要直接是一篇文章!谢谢了!!我的邮箱地址:13577133496@139.com可以发来我邮箱!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, It’s my honor ['ɔnə] to have a speech[spi:tʃ] here. Today the topic['tɔpik] of my speech is “I love you, China! ”
I love you, China! And I’m so proud [praud] of being ['bi:iŋ] a Chinese. I’m proud [praud] that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin [skin], black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud [praud] that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese. I love you ,china, for I can feel the deep[di:p] love you give us and the honour['ɔnə] you bring us every day, every minute.
On May the 12th, 2008, Sichuan province['prɔvins] was shaken ['ʃeikən] by a terrible['terəbl] earthquake['ə:θkweik] . when it happened, the whole [həul] nation['neiʃən] was shocked[ʃɔkt] and moved. At the face of the te

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, (早上好,女士们,先生们。)It’s my honor to have a speech here. (这是我的荣幸的事情发表演讲。)Today the topic of my speech is “I love you, China! ”(今天,我讲话的主题是“我爱你,中国! “)
love you, China! And I’m so proud of being a Chinese.(我爱你,中国!所以我很自豪的是一个中国人。)I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin black eyes and black hair(我很自豪的是,我有美丽的黄皮肤黑眼睛,黑头发)I’m also proud [praud] that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese. (我也很骄傲,因为我讲的是世界上最美丽的语言中。)I love you ,china, for I can feel the deep[di:p] love you give us and the honour you bring us every day, every minute.(我爱你,中国,因为我能感觉到深深的爱你,给我们的荣耀带给我们每一天,每一分钟。)
On May the 12th, 2008, Sichuan provincewas shaken nation was shocked troops to the quake-hit area –Wenchuan immediately (5月12日,2008年,四川省动摇的国家感到震惊部队前往灾区,立即汶川)Premier Wen Jiabao flew to Wenchuan to comfort and encourage the people in disaster in no time (国务院总理温家宝飞抵汶川安慰和鼓励任何时候人民在灾难)All Chinese people help them by all ways, such as flying there to h