
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 20:42:04

现在我有各种各样的书。我最喜欢的书是digital fortress.它是一本小书。书的作者和他的书都非常受欢迎。

Many students believe that reading is boring, but I do not think so. I love reading.
When I was a little girl when I began to read. When I was four years old when my parents bought a lot of story books with a picture to me, these books are very interesting, and I also know from many stories. Because of the book, I am very happy. In the age of seven, I can see too many books there is no picture. These books became my teacher and friend. I learned a lot from the book.
Now I have a wide variety of books. My favorite book is the digital fortress. It is a little book. The author and his books are very popular.
I love reading. It gives me lot of fun.


Many students think that reading is very dull, but I don't think so. I love reading.
When I was a little girl when I began to read. When I was four years old, my parents bought many take picture story book to me, these books is very interesting, but I also know a lot of stories. Because there