
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 02:44:06

my merit is have a strong ability of self-study,a great sense of uplift,otherwise , when meet with failure , I can keep calm ,and learn from mistakes. After all, I 'm good at communicate with others,and can finish the work leader arranged ,obey the leader's management .My shortcoming is easy to be nervous,and need to learn how to keep patient .

善意的提醒……虽说外国人不会把有点藏着掖着,写College Admission Essay的时候也应该大方一些,但是你这样写未免太露骨了。不知道你是写给老美还是老英,把自己的好处写出来是对的。但是不能这样空表扬自己。在每条优点后面都要加些具体的实例。这样才能更有可信性。

my merit is have a strong ability of self-study,a great sense of uplift,otherwise , when meet with failure , I can keep calm ,and learn from mistakes. After all, I 'm good at communicate with others,and can finish the work leader arranged ,obey the leader's management .My shortcoming is easy to be nervous,and need to learn how to keep patient .

my merit is have a strong ability of self-study,a great sense of uplift,otherwise , when meet with fail