黑客帝国三 尼奥和史密斯决战时的配乐是什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 10:42:22



From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality.

He who knows both knowledge and action, with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches immortality.

In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air, and in him rest the mind and all the powers of life. Know him as the ONE and leave aside all other words. He is the bridge of immortality.

Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the mind is reason, its essence. Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all.

When the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme.

And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind

求:黑客帝国2和3里利奥PK史密斯之前 利奥和史密斯的英文对白 黑客帝国最后史密斯是如何被消灭的?尼奥变成史密斯为什么会暴开,暴开后史密斯怎么就完蛋了? 黑客帝国三,尼奥最后是不是死了? 黑客帝国3中的尼奥与史密斯最终战斗时颇有气势的音乐是什么 谁还记得黑客帝国2史密斯与尼奥所说的关于意义的话 为什么黑客帝国里机器人总部和史密斯都要攻尼欧他们 而且他们好像又是敌人 谁能告诉我《黑客帝国》第一部里特工史密斯为什么要在尼奥在的肚子里放机械虫子? 黑客帝国第三部中尼奥同史密斯激战时的背景音乐是改编自哪首古典音乐? 黑客帝国背景音乐~尼奥和女主角在大楼里与警察枪战时的背景音乐! 黑客帝国:尼奥之路!