
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 01:36:14
Do you perfer staying in a place all your life?

My answer is:Of course not.Our life is interesting,which is filled with a myriad of different things.We live in this big city.We do many things and go to almost two places every day:your home and your school.It is forced by the situation in a way,however,I think everybody have their own opinion where the place they desired to go or visit.Maybe less people prefer staying in a place because they're obsessed with computer games or watching televisions.In a word,it is better to do some sports outside than to stay in the same place continuously to waste your time relaxing.

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I think everybody have their own opinion where the place they desired to go or visit.
I think everybody has his/her own opinion about what place he/she desires to go or visit.(或者用where代替what place)

We do many things and go to almost two places every day:your home and your school.
We have many activities to do but almost go between two places only, where are schools and homes.

Maybe less people prefer staying in a place because they're obsessed with computer games or watching televisions."less"用在有比较的时候吧。建议换成"a few"或"some"或...

没有说运动的好处,在总结的时候却忽然说"it is better to do some sports outside than ..."太有跳跃性了吧?
Nevertheless, sport can be fun and helps both our body and our mind to relax, so it makes us healthier.
