
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 09:37:25
请仔细观察下列四幅图的内容以"A Terrible Day''为题目,写一篇完整的短文,介绍自己一次不愉快的休息日。第一副图是:爸爸和儿子一起出去钓鱼。第二副图是:妈妈让他们带雨伞他们不带.第三副图是:爸爸和儿子在钓鱼的时候下雨了。第四副图是:爸爸和儿子空手而回。

A Terrible Day
This week I was very tiled. But now ,I'm happy so much. Bacause I'll go fishing with my father this saturday.Tomorrow morning, I'm get ready for fishing. When we get out of door. My mother asks us to bring the umberlla. "Why?" we said. "It will be raining. please bring your umberlla." "Don't worry." Then, we go fishing. After a while ,it is raining, "we should go back home." My father said. I'm very sad. But in the end, we go back home ,and bring nothing. What a terrible day!