
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 17:16:30
谁知道各种兵种的中英文对照 还有他们所说的语音 只要英文
大哥 我要知道怎么找我还来问么

黑暗游侠:I am here, as always.
恶魔猎手:At last, we shall have revenged.
火焰领主:Beware I live ...

英雄法里奥:I must safeguard the land.(丛林守护者)
英雄吉安娜:Shhh.I am trying to think here
森林巨魔狂暴者:Let the killing begin!
月之女祭司:Warriors of night,assemble!(Grrr!)

龙鹰骑士:The sky is mine!
巨魔蝙蝠骑士:The end justifys the means!

矮人火枪手:Shoot to kill!

双足飞龙:Ready to soar, master!

女巫:Help me, help you.
剑圣:My blade seeks vengence.

先知:The future is ours.

大法师:This had better be worth it.
圣骑士:What would you ask of me?
山丘之王:For Kazmodon!
地精工兵:Hahahaha ...
牛头人酋长:For the tribe!

掠夺者:For Doomhammer!(Wow.)

守望者:Justice has come!

死亡骑士:Let terror regin!

英雄雷克萨:For the Mog Masaar! (兽王)

英雄陈魁峰:Now you endangered! (熊猫)

树妖:Taste my spear!

矮人直升机:We have lifted up!
狮鹫骑士:It is hammer t