
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 20:39:04

The gaming industry is now a growing multi million dollar industry. The level to which the industry has grown since its conception is unimaginable. Computer and video games have been very popular among children and teenagers aged between seven to sixteen.

Researchers have found that frequent game players score better at vision tests as compared to non players. It has also been found that playing these games could improve children's logical thinking ability and problem solving skills. Educational games help to improve their communication and problem solving abilities, alertness, locating things easily without straining too much and so on.

Where on one hand the games do prove to be beneficial to an extent, at the same time, its ill effects cannot be ignored. Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains, etc. Photosensitive epilepsy, headaches, hallucinations, nerve and muscle damages etc. Speculation