
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 07:27:03

BYD 比亚迪股份有限公司始建于1995年,由 20 多人的规模起步,短短十年时间内迅速成长为 IT 及电子零部件的世界级制造企业,为全球第二大移动能源供应商,被誉为“制造业基因携带者”,“国际OEM皇帝”和“世界OEM隐形冠军”。2002年,比亚迪在香港证券交易所上市,创下了54支H股最高发行价的记录。2003 年比亚迪跻身为全球第二大充电电池生产商。2006年,比亚迪入选全球企业新兴百强。今天,比亚迪股份在全球拥有员工130,000 余人,公司市值已超过500亿港币。目前,比亚迪IT及电子零部件产业已覆盖手机所有零部件及组装业务。

BYD Company Limited was founded in 1995, by the size of more than 20 start in just ten years. the rapid growth of IT and electronic components world-class manufacturing companies, the world's second largest mobile energy provider , known as "manufacturing gene carriers" and "international OEM Emperor" and "World OEM Invisible Champion." In 2002, BYD in Hong Kong Stock Exchange, setting a 54 H shares maximum offering price records. BYD in 2003 among the world's second largest rechargeable battery manufacturer in China. In 2006, BYD hundred selected emerging global enterprises. Today, BYD shares more than 130,000 employees worldwide, the company a market value of more than 5