
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 18:02:36

1.what happened?

2:what could you feel?

3:what about things :tree 、building

4:what were you doing?

5:how did you escape from?

6:what did you see after earthquake?

7:what was your feeling?

On Monday afternoon, when I was at home studying English, a terrible earthquake occurred at Si Chuan. The ground shook ferociously and I could barely stand up straight.
I looked out of the window. Outside, the trees were all shaking, with leaves scattering everywhere. Buildings began to lean sideways, as if they were about to topple over.

I realised how dangerous the situation was and immediately rushed out of the door as I believed it would be safer for me to stay in the open ground.

The quake lasted for 10 minutes according to the news and it was the strongest the region has every encountered. It seemed to last an eternity to me. After it finally finished, I observed around me. Many buildings collapsed, cars had their windows smashed and trees were uprooted. Injured people lying everywhere. Sound of crying came from all directions.
It was a horrible, desperate scene. I was sure countless bodies were buried amongst the rubbles.

I felt I