我不会拿回钱,第一次按照我的规矩 翻译成英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 03:40:42
我和朋友吃饭,然后我付的钱,然后他把一半的钱给我了 我又扔他车上了。然后他给我回Email说I understand the Chinese rule but it's okay you should let me pay for things because this is another country haha. You are going to take back the money okay?

我回信想告诉他 我不会拿回钱,第一次要按照我们国家的规矩。 但是又想说的婉转一点,不要直接就 I don't wanna the money ..应该怎么翻译这一句话呢

do as the romans when you are in roman,所谓入乡随俗,如果在国外的话我建议你还是不要退回去。


既然已经争执了一次,不管你这次I don't wanna the money 用多么委婉而迂回的话说过去,感觉都是不对劲儿的。如此下去,跟直来直往的他们就不好交往,会莫名其妙的。

I will not get back the money, but for the first time please follow the rules of our country, okay?

I cannot bring back the money, first time according to mine custom

I would not like to take my money back, as I think we should follow our Chinese tradition. This is the first time after all!