
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:00:49
1、不要灰心,再试一回。(lose heart)
2、中国已经为频於灭绝的野生动物建立了很多保护中心(set up)
4、因为炸政府,他被判了死刑、(blow up)
5、你处於困境时,可以向我求助。我非常乐意帮助你(turn to)

1 Don't lose heart,try again.
2 China has set up many wild animal protection center for Endangered Animals.
3 DAVID works as a teacher in a middle school after graduation from college.
4 He was sentenced to death for blowing up government building .
5 You are welcome to turn to me when you need help .