1. Senators will now debate their own proposals...

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 02:26:36
1. Senators will now debate their own proposals,with some threatening to filibuster any bill that ends up with the "public option".
“with some threatening”——“some”是副词还是限定词?“some”在这里是什么意思?“threatening”是形容词,我不明白“threatening”修饰哪个词,如果“threatening”不修饰任何词的话,那么“with some threatening”是什么的用法?

2. An army psychiatrist went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood ,Texas,killing13people.
“went on”在这里什么意思,我查到的最近似的意思是“ to base an opinion or judgment on something”,可是读不通啊。

3. he was shot and injured by a police officer at the base.
“at the base”=“在军事基地”?

1.some后面省略了senators,threatening是动词在with从句里的变化,句子的意思是:参议员们即将开始讨论各自的议题,其中有些人威胁要阻挠任何含有“public option(没有语境不知该如何翻译)”的提案。这样就应该能明白了。

2. went是go的过去分词,go on在这里是进行的意思。

3. 没错,就是在军事基地。你是在关注近几天美国的在德克萨斯州军事基地的恶性枪杀案吧。:-)

1. “with some threatening”——“some”是限定词; threatening可理解为动名词,“with some threatening”带有一些恐吓.

2. “went on a shooting rampage" 进行扫射;go on a strike举行罢工;go on +名词 经常表示"进行,做"(某事)

3. he was shot and injured by a police officer at the base.
“at the base”解释为“在基地”或"在营地"或"在营区",都没有错.