
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 23:22:28

抒情 忧伤 安静类

I Cry Shayne Ward

the loneliness Babyface

9 crimes Damien Rice

never again Justin Timberlake

hear me cry 日剧《恋爱世纪》主题曲

if you want me 爱尔兰电影《ONCE》主题曲

listen Beyonce

it's amazing 电影《欲望都市》主题曲

if i ain't got you Alicia Keys

winter my dream 俄语歌曲

anytime Brian Mcknight

back at one Brian Mcknight

2 become 1 Spice Girls

because of you 98 Degrees

i do cherish you 98 Degrees

节奏布鲁斯(blues) R&B hipop类 蓝调 爵士

H.A.T.E.U. Mariah Carey

it's like that Mariah Carey

thank god i found you Mariah Carey

with him Babyface

seven seas Babyface

i said i love you Babyface

i need a love song Babyface
