
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 00:39:55
Conservative historians who represent a traditional account as accurate because of its age may be guilty of taking on trust what they should have examined in a conscientious fashion
The art of Milet Andrejevic often presents us with an idyllic vision that is subtly invaded by more sinister elements ,as if suggesting the flawed beauty of our surroundings .


1. conservative:保守的
2. represent something as something:把。。。描述为。。。,声称,to describe something, perhaps falsely, as something else (在这里,as 是介词,上面句子疑应为as BEING accurate
3. account: a written or spoken report; description; story. 书面或口头报告,描述
4. take on trust: to accept without proof or close examination 不经证实、调查即行接受
5. conscientious: showing or done with great care, attention, or seriousness of purpose


Milet Andrejevic 的作品常常向我们展现这样一种景象,田园诗意般的画面上巧妙的夹杂着不和谐的因素,那些不和谐因素的存在好像在暗示我们,我们周围的东西都是残缺的美。