有关2012 的英语文字资料

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 15:47:52
有关2012 的英语文字资料?不要电影的资料,是英语的最好有中文翻译.


Movie Plot Summary;;

An epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.
An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar and other historical documents, astronomy, biblical and scientific data. It involves the passage of the Age of Pieces into the Age of Aquarius. It also involves the Destroyer, aka Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru.
Over the decades, many have prophesised that the world will end when the ancient Mayan calendar ceases on 21 December 2012. But before that occurs, the human race is bound to face natural disasters such as massive volcano eruptions, typhoons and other natural calamities. An academic researcher opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with his double in order to prevent an apocalypse predicted by the ancient Mayans