
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 01:20:10
1. Deserts and high mountains have always been a ______ to the movement of people from place to place.
A. barrier B. fence C. prevention D. jam
2. Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication _____.
A. tragedy B. vacuum C. question D. barrier
3. last night he saw two dark ______ enter the building, and then there was the explosion .
A. features B. figures C. sketches D. images
4. The statue would be perfect but for a few small ______ in it.
A. mistakes B. weakness C. flaws D. errors
5. Doctors are often caught in a _______ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.
A. puzzle B. perplexity C. dilemma D. bewilderment
6. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputation, and turning calm situations into ____ ones.
A. turbulent B. tragic C. vuln

1 C A和C都有阻碍,障碍的意思,但是A主要是指(阻碍通道的)障碍物,屏障(如栅栏、挡板、挡墙、壁垒、障壁、十字转门等),而题目中的沙漠与高山与此不符,而D.jam为(道路等)堵塞,塞住:B篱笆,围墙更不可能,故选C
2 D A悲剧。。言重了吧 B真空,空间,真空吸尘器,C 问题,一般是指有疑问,故不符。只有D阻碍,障碍符合题意。
3 B A特征, C 素描,草图 D图像,影像,肖像,想像,都不能使用在这里,而D则可指人的轮廓,外形等,最切合题意。
4 C瑕疵,毫无疑问选此项, A为错误,B为软弱,弱点,多指人,D误差,错误
5 C in a dilemma 困境,进退两难, Apuzzle难题,迷之类的,B perplexity困惑,混乱,就算要用也不能说in a perplexity,不能用a,D多指迷惑,困惑,为难,糊涂;昏乱, 混乱,也不合适在此i
6 A 这里明显要找一个和calm相对的词,turbulent狂暴的,吵闹的,焦虑不安的,符合题意。 B悲剧的,C易受伤害的,D怀疑的,皆不符合题意,故排除。
7 D A主观上,B下级的,次要的,C,有义务的,应负责的,有...倾向,皆不符合题意,故排除,D易受伤害的,有弱点的,就是说有些人受不了炎热干燥的风等,恰合题意。
8 B A对待,招待,B 调整过的,适应的,C收养的,D药物治疗,经过对比,故选择B选项。
9 A B粘贴和D收养接收,首先排除。A使——适应,改编,在题中为“使他们的产品适应新的硬件",而Cyield 有生产的意思,但是和to一起使用的话,就变为屈服,退让的的意思了,在此不能使用。
10 A B等价的相等的和D 一致的,明显物理和科学不是等同的,故排除。C可能的,也不符合题意,A一般作表语,意为相像的,,相似的,在此最切合题意,故选择A

a c b d a b b d a c