
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 11:20:17
New Age 新世纪音乐
的手法开拓新的领域。该时期的音乐具备了New Age的发展雏形。
到了70年代,在一群艺术家的不懈努力下,New Age得以正名,他们把这种非流行、非古典、具实验性质的乐风取名为New Age,它指的是一种“划时代、新世纪的音乐”。
如今,乐界形成一股百家争鸣、各拥其妙的新势力。正因如此,New Age不只是一个单纯界定乐风区别的名词,而是象征着时代的演进、形而上精神内涵改良的世纪新风貌。

At the end of 1960s, some German musicians added the concept of audio synthesizer into the some electroacoustic or improvisational performance, which enlightened an increasing number of musicians to exploit into new field by applying more musical elements. At that moment, New Age had developed its early form.
In 1970s, with musicians’ persistent efforts, New Age was widely accepted and defined as the “epochal and new century” music with a non-pop, non-classical, tentative style.
Nowadays, a new trend emerges with numerous musical styles and characteristics. Therefore, New Age represents a new look at the evolution of ages and the improvements of spirits, rather than a specific word only differentiates music styles.