
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 09:05:07

After enjoying the phantom of the opera, the movie which is adapted from a classical musical, a feeling beyond my words filled with my heart. The next day, I bought this DVD and watched it again and again. Though a lot of critics insist that this movie is too gaudy and nondescript, in my mind, it is a perfect amalgamation of the traditional musical and the modern movie.

  At the beginning of it, the film is in black and white, in most cases, it represents that it is the memory or things happened in the past while this story adopts the flashback and the black and white stands for “nowadays” in it. Maybe it implies that after that romantic as well as horrible affair, after the phantom’s leaving, after the falling of the chandelier, the opera went towards to decay step by step. The shot which struck me the most is neither the phantom’s show to Christine of the under world, nor the kissing between he and Christine, but the revival of the opera when the chandelier in pieces wa