
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 15:37:30
高中组题目四: 2009年5月7日,上海烟草(集团)公司向上海世博会中国国家馆捐赠人民币两亿元。7月初,几位致力于控烟的公共卫生专家,在北京向媒体公开了一封致上海世博局联名信,呼吁应尽快退还上海烟草(集团)公司2亿元捐赠。最终,上海世博会组织者基于“健康世博”的理念,退回了这笔烟草公司的巨额捐款。 据专家介绍,国际公认的很多科学调查表明,烟草制品广告、促销和赞助能提高烟草使用,特别是在儿童和青少年人群中。 以上材料只做参考,请分析此次事件,并发表你的观点。 要求:1)代表青少年,表明你对上海世博会退回这笔捐款这一决定的态度,并说明理由。 2)字数约150字,题目自拟。



I ,representing the teenagers, support the action of returning the 200 million yuan back to the Shanghai Cigarette coorperation limited.
I think the ultimate purpose of giving these huge amount of money by the Shanghai Cigarette company is to promote its products through increasing public awareness of their cigarettes. However, smoking is harmful not only to the smokers themselves,especially the young, but their friends, family members, etc through a process namely "passive smoking". Therefore the calling by a few of public hygiene experts to return the money is valid and appropriate. The experts' action is to discourage smoking and this action is beneficial to the general health level of the people. Thus I hold the attitude to support the returning the money back.


I ,representing the teenagers, support the action of returning the 200 million yuan back to the Shanghai Cigarette coorperatio