
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 05:01:19
我上个休息日去溜冰跟我们班上的同学,数一数有10几个.在溜冰的时候好多人都不会溜只有3个人才会.我想这是在试探自己的胆量的吧!! 你呢?Tom

Dear Tom,
Last weekend, we went to skating with some of my classmates. I found that,among more than ten people there, only three of us could skate.I think skating is way to test a person's guts. What do you think of it, Tom?
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Dear Tom
My last rest day to go skating with our classmates, count the number of 10. At a time when ice-skating are not a lot of people will slip only three individuals. I think this is testing his own courage in bar! ! you do? Tom

dear tom
last weekend i went to go skiing with my classmates, which was counted to be 10 or so .most of us couldn't do except the there ones . i guessed it was to test my courage what about you tom?

Dear Tom
I went skating last days for rest with ny classmates.The nubmer of us was more than 10.Many of us couldn't skate but three.I thought that was testing our courages. What about you? Tom