
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 10:15:34
Eugene Neill,who is typically regarded as America's greatest playwright, received critical acclaim for The Ice Cometh,a play where a group of outcasts seeks salvation.

a play where 中的 where 改为 in which。

Eugene Neill,who is (was) typically regarded as America's greatest playwright, received critical acclaim for The Ice Cometh,a play where a group of outcasts seeks(sought) salvation.

只有is是错的, 应该是was "who [was] typically regarded..."
但是seeks 是对的,因为讲literary works 的时候都是用present tense 的
(因为文学作品已经写出来了 - 它是不会变的)
原句中“received"是past tense, 所以前面一个动词也是past tense - is 应该变成 was