
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 01:40:34
aidas阿迪达斯标志的含义:三叶草,阿迪的老版标志,现在作为adidas classic的标志,三道杠 阿迪运动的标志,剩下的叫做Y-3,是日本的设计师山本耀司和adidas合作的一个高端时尚品牌,也算一种奢侈品这是不同时期的标志,前些年用的是三叶草,近年来因与耐克竞争的需要作了战略调整,其中换标志(就是换成你所说的三条杠)就是其中一项动作,使之显得更为时尚,你在去 adidas.com.cn上看看 三叶草是adidas以前曾经用过一段的logo。这个图形象征着展开的世界地图,于1972年问世。而三条纹则更早,原来是运动鞋结构上有实质作用的承力部分,于1949年问世,也就是adidas创下品牌的第2年。 到了90年代中期,adi开始主推三砖logo。 进入21世纪后,adidas又重新来展开三叶草复古系列.:其实adidas一共有三个标志,一个是我们平时所见到的由三条长度不一的长方形组成的三角形标志,另外一个就是”三叶草”系列,还有一个是足球系列的。。。是一个不成型的圆包着一个adidas标志.

adidas founder, AdiDassler President, is an athlete has the identity and technology, German shoemaker. Because he can fully understand the needs of athletes, more delicate skill and invention of talent; so in his life, invented more than 700 kinds of sports-related patents, which created the Kingdom of adidas's sporting goods. Mr. Dassler began in 1920, hand-made shoes, followed by countries in the world, Mr. athletes often wearing Dassler sports shoes produced in the Olympic Games as awards; his fame gradually so loud in the international arena again. <br>In 1948, DassIer name, using his last name adi and some letters, synthetic "adidas" brand and to apply for registration as a commodity; the following year, adidas trademark of the three lines come out. <br>aidas Adidas logo meaning: clover, Adi old version of logo, and now as an adidas classic logo, three bars Adi campaign signs, the remaining is called Y-3, is a Japanese designer Yamamoto cooperation bet