
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 09:04:46
在Main中输入:solve(x^2-y=1 and x+5y=9,x,y)执行后出现无效语法提示(Invalid Syntax),请把过程写清楚一些,我刚刚学习图形计算器的使用,手里只有一本英文的说明书,看不懂,谢谢各位好心人的帮助!另:哪里能得到该型号计算器的中文说明书啊?谢谢.

好不容易从CASIO CP330说明书上找到了。。。
u solve
Function: Returns the solution of an equation or inequality.
Syntax: solve (Exp/Eq/Ineq [,variable] [ ) ]
• For this syntax, “Ineq” also includes the ≠ operator.
• “x” is the default when you omit “[,variable]”.
solve (Exp/Eq,variable[, value, lower limit, upper limit] [ ) ]
• This syntax does not support “Ineq”, but the ≠ operator is supported.
• “value” is an initially estimated value.
• This command is valid only for equations and ≠ expressions when “value”
and the items following it are included. In that case, this command returns
an approximate value.
• A true value is returned when you omit “value” and the items following it.
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