
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 17:37:09
请高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段吧,这篇文献的题目是“Recent Developments in the Safety Regime for Naval Ship Design”

An associated feature of the changed safety regime is that of the Naval Authority, which was required to be introduced once the unity of in-house DA and safety/classification responsibility was broken. The fragmentation of responsibility for naval ship safety that has resulted requires a much greater degree of coherence in the safety regime. This has coincided with the change in military posture following the collapse of the East–West Cold War confrontation and a greater degree of political awareness of the issues of Health and Safety, requiring a more transparent level of safety assurance and accountability. Following such a survey it is sensible to conclude with a view of how the naval ship safety regime may further develop, both in regard to further enhancements in the practice of classification and safety management, as well as in the challenges extending the approach to more aspects


一个安全设施制度变化的相关特征就是海军的权力者,这需要再次讨论关于in-house DA(真不知道这是啥?)和安全性/分类职责的统一的破坏。对于海军船只安全性的脆弱信任导致了需要更多的关于安全性制度的连贯性的等级。这种变化紧随东西方冷战对抗的瓦解和关注于健康与安全问题产生需要更多政治等级的认识同时发生——需要更多清晰的关于安全性保险与责任的等级。根据这个研究它明智的作出一个关于海军船只安全性制度在将可能如何发展的观点判断——既考虑到将来在等级分类实践上的加强和安全性管理,同时也通过质疑来扩展更多关于海军船只设计的方面的方法并包括一个广泛的船只类型范围。

…………OTZ我自不量力了,这个naval ship应该是军舰吧……嗯,翻译过来的这东西简直跟翻译器翻译过来的没俩样吗……呔!没有这方面知识根本不行啊……
