
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 03:03:00

1. 每天早晨抽时间背文章,背文章要有选择性的,要感觉有点难度的但不能太难,比如你每天背一篇完形填空或阅读理解,坚持一年半载高考考130分没问题。
2. 做完阅读理解之后要把一些生词和短语记录下来,在晚上睡觉前复习一下,要记下来,以防以后再出现。
3. 要准备一本记录自己做错题目的本子,把做错的记下来,有空就拿出来看一下。避免以后出现类似错误。
4. 要多了解欧美国家的相关状况,这样如有涉及到文学或风土人情之类的文章就好做多了!
5. 要多做练习来总结解题技巧。
6. 词汇量一定要够,这样可以减轻阅读时单词的困扰,进而提高阅读速度!
1. Every morning take the time to back the article, back articles to be selective, and to feel a little bit difficult but not too hard, like you every day with a cloze or reading comprehension, persist in a year or so entrance exam 130 points no problem.

2. Done after reading comprehension levels of some Words and phrases recorded, in the evening before going to sleep review what is necessary to note down, to prevent future occurrence.

3. To prepare a record of their book topic wrong to wrong to write it down, empty on the look out. Avoid future similar mistakes.

4. To know more about the relevant situat