进aion出现 GameGuard Error

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 06:41:29
我是XP,前天还好但是今天上去要求更新,更新好之后出现 GameGuard Error ????????




如果登陆游戏提示:应用程序失败,critical error:error loading dll:game.dll error code 14001。
建议您把永恒之塔BIN32目录下的cryinput.DLL文件和GAME.DLL文件删除,然后启动客户端自动更新尝试(选择华中电信更新)。如果还是不行,建议玩家更新显卡驱动尝试。 error (115) — Game has been executed multiple times, or GameGuard is already running. Close the game and restart.
错误代码115 游戏在同一台电脑上重复或者运行二个同版本的游戏,或者GameGuard已经在运行中。请彻底关闭你目前的游戏然后重新起动。

error (124) — GameGuard.des file does not exist or is modified. This can be resolved by installing GameGuard setup file.
错误代码124 “GameGuard.des” 文档不存在或者被改造。 重新安装GameGuard可以解决这个问题。

error (150) — Setup file for GameGuard does not exist or is corrupted. Download setup file for GameGuard and install at GameGuard folder.
错误代码150 GameGuard的启动文档不存在或者被破坏。请重新下载并且安装GameGuard。

error (153) — GameGuard.des does not exist or is corrupted. Re-install of GameGuard setup file should solve this problem.
错误代码153 “GameGuard