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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 06:50:35

No one can copy the legendary Allen Iverson
How the black slums in the United States, but the difference is that Iverson family worse than anyone else, almost led a life of hell, and sometimes do not have enough to eat no food, live in dilapidated areas, in his living near the clots of blood and the pinhole can be found at any time at night you can hear the gang at the Rush. Iverson, however, is in such an environment they grew up.
His mother told him to play basketball, but Iverson's favorite is football, for future survival, Iverson he took to basketball! Iverson is the NBA's shortest in the history of Mandarin! Thus a red star in the entire United States up! Countless young people began to imitate Iverson to play, countless young people to become fans of Allen Iverson! Iverson came in the League before everyone suits and ties to emulate Michael Jordan, but Iverson came to Union, hip-hop clothing has been the majority of players of all ages, a time of countless