帮想些要点,高一英语作文the advantures and disadvantures of cyberspace

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:43:41
我是反方,要辩论,请给些要点哦,说明CYBERSPACE 缺点。

advantages and disadvantages ?
好恐怖的拼写- -!

The truth has been reduced.But the lie has been increased.(真话在减少,谎言在增多)
People hurt(insult) each other by speech cause by they don't need responsibility in cyberspace.(人们用言语互相伤害只因他们不需在赛博空间中负责任)
People pay more attention to the illusion,but ignore the action such as what they have to do.(人们把更多的注意力放在了幻觉之中,而忽略了那些他们必须去做的事情。)

基本这样就够了吧。语法可能有点问题= =!我能力有限。想起什么写什么。。。