
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 04:55:33
我想做一个关于小苏或者艾弗森(有可能两个都做)的ppt在英语课的duty report上演讲,所以急求关于这方面的英语文章。因为比较正式比较重要所以要求如下: 是介绍他们的短文, 没有很多生涩难懂的单词但还是最好高一点的水平, (我大一) 最好能让不认识他们或者不熟悉他们通过这些能感受到他们的魅力所在。 我知道要求比较高,但是我很想通过这次演讲能让更多的人走近他们,爱上他们,所以希望各位有才之士帮帮忙,我不胜感激,谢谢!!再次感谢!!

"This is my life, who also don't expect me how to live."

This is typical of YiLunYi Buddha's type motto. He is a devil incarnate, what? Or an angel? Like his lazy to understand the world, the world seems to have never understand him. How to evaluate him? Even god will also have a headache. Mike bibby said: "I can only god. Iverson? I didn't even god will judge him.

Height, weight, 1 meter 83 74.8 kilograms, three league all-star game, scoring, double finals MVP in NBA history, and have the most sub-field 40 players... Truly, let a person cannot put these together, but Allen iverson did, with this, he become a hero to become a classic,. The league for anyone not stopped him, or he will give you the game again "answer" -- in his steps to show you. Why would he have courage, with his thin body, the impact of the people inside; alliance? Again he tell you "answer" is very concise, "basketball and true height, the