
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 03:33:15
题目:population control

Population Control

As we all know, the population problem has been one of the most

serious challenges in the 21st century. The laege quantity of people

need laege quantity of consumption , including food ,wanter ,energy ,

space and so on. However, Our planet cannot bear such pressure and

become weaker and weaker. To save our mother , it is neccesary for

us to control the population in time.

There are many reasons why our population increased so fast in

the past years. First , our living standard turns better and many

of us can bear one or two chindren . With the good sanitation

quality , we can better protect our babies . Second , many

countries carried out policies that encouraged people to bear

children and then increased the birth rate.

As for how to control population , there are two main steps.
