
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:35:50
1、 如果我能像风那样自由、该有多好

2、 爱情、是多么的虚伪、我不想再拥有他了

3、 伤的太深、也不敢了

4、 今后、无论如何、我不想再失去你们了、

5、 有你们、我就足够了

( 一定要准确、不要有错 )

If I could have been as free as the wind,it would have been so good.
Love is so hypocritical that I don't want to possess him.
I was hurt too deeply to dare to love him,
From now on,anyway,I don't want to lose you again.
Because of you,I feel satisfied.

1. If I were as free as a breeze, that would be fine.
2. Love is so hypocritical that I no longer want to fall in love.
3. I am hurt too deeply to dare to love again.
4. From now on, no matter what happens, I will never loose thee.
5. I am satisfied to have you by my side.