
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 04:42:15
The misreading is not the important error,it opens the way. The next step is the crucial one.If the investigator can bring himself to say,"But even so,look at that!"then the new finding,whatever it is,is ready for snatching,what is needed, for progress to be made ,is the move based on the error.
Whenever new kinds of thinking are about to be accomplished,or new varieties of music,there has to be an argument beforehand.With two sides debating in the same mind,lecturing,there is a friendly understanding that one is right and the other wrong.Sooner or later the thing is settled,but there can be no action at all if there are not the two sides,and theargument.The hope is in the faculty of wrongness,the tendency toward error.The capacity to leap across mountains of information toland lightly on the wrong side represents the highest of human talent.

