雅思考试口语 汉翻英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 02:28:57
1 她很纤瘦。头发短短的,有点枯。小眼睛小鼻子小嘴巴,脸也是小小的。
2 他有些胖,看上去像个大梨子。头发有些卷。眉毛很浓,鼻子很挺。
3 她是一个很有创意的人,生活中总有很多奇妙的点子。例如,她发明过一个小玩意,能轻巧地清除沙发上的污垢。虽然她向我解释过其中的奥秘,但我还是不明白她的怎么做到的。
4 他有一个很特别的爱好:喜欢收集船模。因为他生长在大山里,从小就向往大海。他曾经为了省钱购买一个船模吃了一个月的泡面。他在网上的名字就叫“船模迷”。
5 他是我的一个网友。我和他没有见过面,所以连他长相都不知道。但我知道他是一个有趣的老人。虽然他已经60岁了,但还和年轻人一样玩网络游戏。以前我觉得老年人就应该养花喂鸟大牌,但他不这样认为,他觉得老年人也要跟上时代,所以他积极探索新事物:上网聊天,购物,还玩起了网络游戏。不过因为年纪大了,他不能长时间玩电脑。他每天下午玩2个小时电脑,然后就带着小狗出去散步。过着有规律且舒心的退休生活。


1 She was slender. Short hair, a bit dry. Small eyes, small nose and small mouth, face is also small.
2 he was a bit fat, looks like a big pear. Hair some volume. Eyebrows very strong, very pretty nose.
3 She is a very creative person, in life there are always a lot of wonderful ideas. For example, she invented a gadget that can light way to remove dirt on the sofa. Although she explained to me the mystery of them, but I still do not understand her how to do.
4 He has a very special love: Do you like to collect ship model. Because he grew up in the mountains and had a longing for the sea. He had to save money to buy a ship model of instant noodles to eat for a month. His on-line is called "ship model enthusiasts."
5 He is one of my User. He and I had not seen face, so even his looks do not know. But I know that he is an interesting old man. Although he has already 60 years old, but, like playing online games and young people. I used to think the eld