
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 04:20:51
牛群和冯巩的相声中曾有这样一句话:相声是一门语言艺术,讲究说学逗唱。现代社会,艺术已经被渗透到各个领域、各个阶层。它预示着一个创意与创新时代的来临,预示着美与享受已经成为人们的不懈追求。同样的,就新闻行业而言,只有不断创新,不断追求艺术才能使自己屹立于不败之地。而新闻标题作为新闻的“眼睛”——心灵之窗则更需要好的想法,好的思路去优化、升级。放眼各类报纸我们很容易发现,无论是修辞的多样性,还是引用的灵活性,体育新闻的标题往往最生动,最能使读者感同身受。现代体育新闻所追求的是一切从标题开始,竭尽所能使受众看到、听到、感触到赛场内外的风云变幻。体育新闻标题的制作非常注重读者的内心感受,他们尽量用多种多样的修辞方法,幽默风趣的叙述方式,温馨和谐的人性化语言去迎合受众,吸引受众的目光。本文不但阐述了新闻标题的特点和分类,同时对体育新闻标题不断追求创新的目的和必然性也进行了讨论和探究。通过举证和对比,得出如何实现体育新闻标题的创新。 (请英语高人把这段话译成英语,非常感谢)

In the comic dialogue of Niu Qun and Feng Gong there is one statement like this: Comic dialogue is a language art, which is dainty about speaking, learning, amusing and singing. In modern society, art has been penetrated into various fields and sectors. It portends an era of creativity and innovation, indicating that the beauty and enjoyment has become an unremitting pursuit for people. Similarly, for the news industry, only constant innovation and the unremitting pursuit of artistic talent can make them stand on invincible position. Moreover, the headlines as the news of the "eyes" - the window of soul need much more good ideas, good thinking for optimization and upgrading. When scan all kinds of newspapers widely we can easily find that whether from rhetorical diversity or the flexibility of reference, the headlines of sports are often the most vivid, also the readers can share their feelings mostly. What modern sports pursuit is that everything is from the title, and do