
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 02:10:57

Whenever you hear people talking about the grace and poetry of Hong Kong cinema, they're usually talking about movies other than this, and they're usually fucking idiots.

Drunken Master is, hands down, one of the two best films to ever come out of Hong Kong. There has never been an action film that's been able to compare. And I wish all the assholes who think that pouring seventeen gazillion dollars into CGI and explosions would sit back and look at this movie.

This is a film which understands, ultimately, that what makes cinema uniquely poignant and affecting is the ability to present motion. Big action films don't do that. They give you a sense of motion, but if you look at them closely, nothing is ever moving. They give false motion through editing and effects.

Drunken Master is filmed, (more likely than not due to budgetary constraints) with a relatively static camera. There are no guns. There are no explosions. There's a v