
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:03:57

Long time ago,there's a Kingdom named RoyalBlue/R.BlueState(或者你再自己想个更有寓意的)you only hear it from story.Its a dreamland.Weather was great there ,you couldn't expect a better one.Happiness filled the country.The King called李特.希澈。韩庚。艺声。强仁。神童。晟敏。恩赫。东海。始源。丽旭。基范。奎贤(你去找他们的英文名吧我不了解)are his homeboy.They all brothers.So 李特 name their people ELF,means ever lasting frd.

  Somehow,this thirteen princes always stay young and charming.
  Their people,surely,always protect them as their life.Guard them til the end of the world.

  That was then,time ticking.
  The prince felt like wanna get out of the house,see the world outside.

  Later on,they settled a new life in Seoul.
  Changed into SuperJunior.Loyal as their peole,came a long way just to cherr for

  Yes.I m sure there's one day for our SuperJunior's back to RoyalBlue,for their country,for being princes.And ELF will following their leader as well.

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