急求英语演讲稿beauty is more than skin deep

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 20:27:37

beauty is more than skin deep内在美才是真的美

Beauty may be more than skin deep, but first impressions do make a difference.

It is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things. It follows, therefore, that most women desire nothing but to look beautiful. That is why they cannot help but spend vast sums of money on cosmetics and fashionable clothing. They are interested in nothing but their looks. However, they should be reminded that beauty is only skin-deep.

Instead, they should pay more attention to their character because when you have character, you have class. And that is what gives one inner beauty.

字面意思就是 美是超出外表所表示的
翻译过来比较好的是 美应是内在的

有一句名言说的好啊;Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas. ( Chekhov契诃夫 )