
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 23:11:15

《哦,苏珊娜!》是福斯特1848年写的一首歌,他以一百美元把版权卖给一个音乐出版商,像福斯特的许多歌曲一样,这首歌也是写化装黑人乐队表演的。一夜之间,这首歌就引起轰动——成了立即流行的“民歌”,也是1849年淘金热时期涌向西部的开发者们最喜爱的一支歌。 自斯蒂芬•福斯特创作这首歌以来,已经无法去计算全世界有多少人唱过或是听过这首歌,这首歌大概可以说是家喻户晓了。今天推荐的这个版本是由著名的“歌唱牛仔”Roy Rogers演唱的。

  Oh, Susanna-Roy Rogers
  I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee
  I''m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see
  It rained all night the day I leftT
  he weather it was dry
  The sun so hot, I froze to death
  Oh, Susanna,
  Oh don''t you cry for me
  For I''m going to Louisiana
  With my banjo on my knee
  I had a dream the other night when everything was still
  I thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hill
  The buckwheat cake was in her mouth
  The tear was in her eye
  Says I, I''m coming from the south
  Susanna, don''t you cry
  Oh, Susanna,
  Oh don''t you cry for me
  For I''m going to Lo