
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 14:21:06
;************ American Paradrop Special Rules ***********
;These two lists _must_ have the same number of elements, otherwise bad crashiness will result

;AmerParaDropInf=E1,GHOST,ENGINEER ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
;AmerParaDropNum=4,1,1 ;How many of each of those infantry

AmerParaDropInf=E1,GGI,ENGINEER,GHOST ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
AmerParaDropNum=4,3,1,1 ;How many of each of those infantry

AllyParaDropInf=E1,GGI,ENGINEER ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
AllyParaDropNum=4,3,1 ;How many of each of those infantry

SovParaDropInf=E2,FLAKT,SHK,SENGINEER ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
SovParaDropNum=4,2,2,1 ;How many of each of those infantry

YuriParaDropInf=INIT,YURI,YENGINEER ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
YuriParaDropNum=6,1,1 ;How many of each of those infantry

8月6日 16:14 对付那种东西步兵是没用的 。他攻击速度快 移动快 杀步兵2下一个
如果是3及的就是屠杀。但是它的防御力不高 对付他最有效的方法是用最便宜的900的灰熊一类的坦克 因为这类坦克防御力高 威力也属于中上 用来 袭击敌人算是第一个选择 尤里的盖特坦克打它很费劲哦。