
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 05:54:17
埃文和凯丽在浪漫dinner那会,就是那个背景音乐,后来就是那人跑来说埃文的车子被砸了,我就听着歌曲里有段‘i never say thank you for that..’其他什么什么的就不知道了..呵呵

Stop crying your heart out<蝴蝶效应>主题曲

按照你的描述应该是the diner吧,我印象最深的是那首绿洲乐队的stop crying your heart out,很好听

01. The Butterfly Effect Main Theme (2:18)
02. Evan's Plan / Evan & Mom (2:49)
03. Mom and Evan / Evan's Drawing (2:07)
04. In the Basement / Knife Blackout (1:27)
05. Going to see Dad (0:24)
06. Jason's Funeral (0:48)
07. Lenny's Explosive Flash / Hypnosis (3:10)
08. Tommy's Right Hook / We're moving (1:26)
09. Burnt Crockett (1:37)
10. Drive to see Lenny / Inside Lenny's Room (2:16)
11. The Mailbox (1:14)
12. The Diner (1:06)
13. Kayleigh's Funeral (1:40)
14. Evan's Warning (2:53)
15. Sorority Strut (1:00)
16. Evan Kills Tommy (2:04)
17. Prison Escape (0:47)