找这编文章Homework help for your kids

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:22:10
主题是:Homework help for your kids

A sixth-grader settles down to do her homework on a weekday afternoon in 2008. Instead of at the kitchen table with piles of books, she's sitting on the bus with her laptop. She is on the Internet to take a math-skills test on the school home page and get her own personalized assignment, downloads the software she'll need, looks for help from an online school librarian and e-mails the finished work to her teacher.
Homework in the future may not be any less laborious, but it will certainly be more online. And as more children get the chance to use computers and the net - 75% of teens and 47% kids aged 2 to 12 are expected to be online by 2008 --- schools and technology companies are supposed to design special assignments and high-tech homework help for parents and kids. On the menu: TAILOR-MADE ASSIGNMENT. The greatest change about homework will be that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson, each student will sit down to their own assignment. The school