How do psychologists affect our life? How is intuition different from one another?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 18:28:25
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I'm sure there won't be a sigle psychologist can really affect your life unless you let him do.
Why I give such an answer?
Firstly, if you don't let him go into your situation, he won't affect you; Then, you may say okay let him in, I will show. All right, you have accepted the first step that a psychologist provides you to make.
Later, the psychologist push your thought into a formed circle,like asking questions that they will ask anyone, giving advices and etc., you may gradully notice some strange facts in you,your behavior, and your ideology.
when you make a deceision to make up something, there exists a realization that aroused by yourself. Actually, the psychologist does play an very important role, while it is you who make final shot to your own week.
I'm sure that we can't live without any professional in the world,especially the everyday life, but when you are thinking of making some changes, there is a psychol