
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 10:22:45


为了纪念她的祖国波兰,她将一种元素命名为钋(polonium),另一种元素命名为镭(Radium),意思是“赋予放射性的物质”。为了制得纯净的镭化合物,居里夫人又历时四(MarieCuI7e,1867--1934)载,从数以吨计的沥青铀矿的矿渣中提炼出1O0 mg氯化镭,并初步测量出镭的相对原子质量是225。这个简单的数字中凝聚着居里夫妇的心血和汗水。




Madame Curie is the great physicist, she is born in Poland, the
genuine name is called Mary, because married to French young scholar
other Egypt you curie, afterwards is called Madame Curie. She and the
husband joint effort, discovered and confirmed the radium element
existence. How under do we want to tell everybody curie husband and
wife discover radium this kind of mystical matter.

In 1898 the French physicist shell might force you
(AntoineHenriBecquerel) to discover the uranium-bearing ore could emit
one kind of mystical beam, but has not been able to promulgate this
kind of beam the mystery. Mary and her husband other Egypt you curie
(Pierrecurie) undertook together has studied this kind of beam the
work. They under the extremely difficult condition, carry on the
separation and the analysis to the pitchblende, finally and in
December discovered two kind of new elements successively in July,