
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 18:32:30
甲方: 合同编号:
乙方: 签订日期:200 年 月 日
产 品 名 称 数 量 单 位 单价(元) 金额(元) 备 注
带式干燥机 1 台 优惠价 1、提货或收货时需方按供方随货清单,清点产品及配套件,如有不符,在10天内函告供方更正。
RLQ-80万大卡直燃式燃气热风炉 1 台 优惠价
注:内外壁不锈钢制作, 主机外封δ=1.2mm,内壁δ=1.0mm,内骨架为A3钢。保温采用玻璃纤维棉。(出口包装、商检等费用不含在内)
金 额 (大写)
1. 质量要求:按企标执行
2. 交货地点: ;交货方式: 代办 ;交货时间: 定金到帐50天内交货
3. 到货地点: 上海港 ;运输方式: 汽运 ;运费负担: 供方负责到上海港
4. 质量保证:甲方对提供产品的质量在保修期内负责。产品自出厂之日起的一年为保修期,其中因乙方未按规定安装使用或运输等非甲方产品出厂质量的其他因素均不属保修范围,但若需甲方维修,乙方应负担维修费用。
5. 检验期间:乙方应在收货之日起 5 日内进行数量检验及核对。
6. 价款支付: 预付30%合同生效,发货前再付65%,余款5%安装调试毕一次付清。

Business contract the party of the first part: Contract serial number: 乙方: Signs the date: 200 year, month and day according to "People's Republic of China Contract Law", consult after armor second grade both sides, sign this contract and abide by the following provision, strictly fulfill together. The product range quantity unit unit price (Yuan) the amount (Yuan) the note DW5-1.8-10 conveyor-type drier 1 preferential benefit price 1, takes delivery of goods or receives goods when the consumer according to the supplier along with the goods detailed list, the inventory product and necessary, if does not have the symbol, informs by letter the supplier in 10 days to correct. 2nd, takes delivery of goods or receives goods when the consumer the product label, the certificate, the instruction for use three cards which should pay to the supplier promptly checks, if has the fault please to inform by letter the supplier in 10 days to correct. 3rd, every needs the supplier to i